Beginning our journey to DTC, we head down to Allison to summarize our overall journey. . .


Beginning DTC, our group set out to solve a consistent and real problem that existed in the real world. After extensive surveying, we decided to pursue the solution to the following problem: hitting/bumping into obstacles while skateboarding at night time. As our project evolved, this problem changed more into how we could construct a device to limit night-time skateboarders from hitting any type of obstacle. In our initial surveying of over 100 Northwestern students (Appendix M), this problem arose a number of times. Of students with skateboards, nearly every student highlighted their desire for a solution that they could buy and be confident would work. Additionally, we were personally very interested in this problem.

     Figure 1: Person skateboarding at night-time

 Figure 1: Person skateboarding at night-time

Purpose and Requirements

Our aim throughout the project was to construct a simple solution to hitting obstacles while skateboarding at night or in low light. We also realized through the process of testing and talking with professionals, that the solution needed to be robust, water resistant, and not impact the performance of the skateboard itself [see Appendix E - Project Definition]. Additionally, we hoped to incorporate innovative sensing technology to solve this problem.

Additional requirements were used and subsequently separated into the following categories: Sensing, User Communication, Durability, and Ease of Attachment [see Users and Requirements].


Throughout our iterative process, we devised and conducted numerous testing processes. These include testing our LIDAR sensor and other sensors with potential users and comparing their ideal reaction time and sensitivity of a sensor with their skateboarding specifics. This meant that we had to visit several sensing devices to determine what would best fit or desired sensitivity and distance of sensing. We also tested other specifics including size, connection types, and overall setup. Another big decision was the type of light we ended up using. While other skateboard lights were simply singular lights, we noticed that such lights often missed lighting coverage around the wheels. Thus we opted for an LED strip. These processes can be found in **Appendix G - User Testing Protocol & Appendix H - User Testing Summary.**

Design Process

The following outlines features in our overall design:

Feature Benefits
LiDAR Alert System - Highlights potential obstacles in red