
Our user testing was conducted to determine the optimal components to use for the OptiSkate prototype. The results from each test serves as guidance for how components of OptiSkate should perform. The subjects of our user testing will be asked for consent to record data from them carrying out the tasks that are described below.

Test 1: Skate Test

Skateboarders travel at a variety of speeds, so the average speed must be identified to determine what capabilities a chosen sensor must have.

  1. Set up a distance of 20 meters
  2. Had a user test subject, who was familiar with skating, skate from one end to the other of the 20 meter range
  3. Recorded the time it took to skate the 20 meters
  4. Calculated the speed of the skateboard using the 20 meter distance and time recorded
  5. Repeated steps 2-4 two more times
  6. Calculated the average time and speed of the three trials

Test 2: Sensor Test

There are many proximity sensors on the market that identify objects in and entering its field of view. The objective of this test is to identify which sensor to use based on its performance in distance of detection.

  1. Gathered the three different types of sensors: LiDAR, Ultrasonic, Infrared
  2. Took the Ultrasonic sensor and pointed it in a direction without any obstruction
  3. Had a user test subject walk into the field of view, and then towards the sensor until the sensor detected the users presence
  4. Recorded the distance at which the sensor detected the user test subject
  5. Repeated steps 2-4 but with the LiDAR and Infrared sensor
  6. Repeated step 5 for 4 more trials
  7. Calculated the average distance of detection for each sensor among the 5 trials