What is it?

The OptiSkate is a compact sensing system built for skateboards that notifies a user of obstacles in their path. The system is composed of a constantly scanning LIDAR imaging sensor, lights, and switch that work in conjunction with an onboard computer to detect and alert users to these obstacles in real-time, allowing them to redirect their path and avoid them. When an object is detected within the threshold of the LIDAR sensor, a yellow LED light is activated. Although the OptiSkate comes programmed with a predefined distance threshold for object detection, this can be altered through simple code changes.

How does it work?

All of the main components are wired to a breadboard. A Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 acts as the computer for relaying commands [see Appendix N - Individual Graphics Work for circuit diagram]. The Pico receives distance measurements with the TF-LUNA LIDAR sensor, which is constantly running, and sends commands to a nine-inch filtered LED strip conditional upon these measurements. A 3.7V 2000mAh battery powers the Pi Pico and its components, with power control provided by a two-position switch. All these components are contained within an ABS plastic junction box that is attached to the underside of the skateboard with velcro. A nine-inch ****LED light strip functions as a constantly on headlight to offer additional visibility, separate from the OptiSkate.

 Figure 11: OptiSkate mounted on a skateboard

Figure 11: OptiSkate mounted on a skateboard

The OptiSkate’s sensing function operates on the principle of negative feedback, i.e. alerting the user to an obstacle when a change in the current environment is detected. This change could take the form of a rock, crack in the sidewalk, or other object which could cause the skateboard to fall off balance and harm the user. This sensing capability does not rely on any kind of light in the environment due to the LIDAR sensor’s use of lasers outside the visible spectrum of light, making the OptiSkate advantageous at night or in darkly lit environments.

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Components and their Rationale(s)